Release Date 4/1/23
Incident Report

Only Upper Management will call the police/sheriff back
What constitutes an Incident Report?
A call is received from someone stating there is an incident at the facility or threat to APS personal/property or a police/sherriff is calling.
The receiver of the call is responsible for filling out the report and gathering any additional information about the situation and alerting Management as well as your supervisor.
Examples of incidences that could occur are listed below.
Natural Disaster
Severe damage to a structure or property
Safety/Security Concerns (homeless)
Injury to an Employee, Vendor, Customer, or any person(s) at the property.
Media/News Reporter inquiries on property.
Police/Emergency/Medical services requested or present.
Acts of God
Threats to APS personal, (sue / persue legal action) or damage property
FC Script: "I am so sorry that this has happened to you. Please know I am here to offer guidance and will need to gather some important information."
"Are you still at the unit? If so, please provide any photos of your unit, damage or incident."
"If you still have contents in your unit, I recommend replacing the lock as soon as possible."
"Does this seem to be an isolated event? Do you see any other unit/building/gate etc. affected? If so, please provide any details or photos."
"I am going to advise that you file a claim with your homeowner's/renter's insurance or file a claim with SMS Property Protection. www.SMSClaims.com
"I would also advise that you contact the police to file a report of the incident."
"The police will reach out to our management team for further information.
"Please know that I am forwarding this info to our management team. I will make a note on your account that we spoke today."
OL (Over Lock) is NEVER an emergency, unless it’s an error on our part. Example: If we Overlock the wrong unit or customer pays in full and wants the overlock off right away.
If the keypad isn’t working to let a singular tenant onto the property, this is NOT an emergency.
FC (Facility Coordinators or Supervisors) DO NOT talk to the Police, Media, or ANYONE OTHER THAN THE TENANT. Gather the call back information. Fill out an Incident Report and e-mail it with any photos, phone calls etc. directly to the Upper Management Team ASAP. (Even if the officer is simply following up.) Put yourself in Filling out IR status on Call Potential and fill out the Incident Report. Let the covering Supervisor know. E-mail the IR with high importance As Soon As Possible.
If the police are requesting security camera footage (CCTV) this is coordinated with management. Never promise that we will send security footage to anyone. Never promise an exact date and time that a manager will call back.
FC Script: " I will need to gather some information so I can forward your information to someone in management who specializes in handling these types of calls. They will reach out to you to discuss further."
Supervisors & FC's: Gather the police officer's information below to add to the Incident Report:
Officer's Full Name
Officer's Phone Number
Officer's direct extension (if applicable)
APS Facility the officer is calling in regards to
Officer's e-mail address
Customer name or Case # for reference (if applicable)
Notate any other information the caller gives to forward on with the information gathered.​
A customer is calling to follow-up
If anyone is requesting security camera footage (CCTV) then advise that person All Purpose Storage Management will collaborate with the police and advise them to contact the police.
If a customer is calling to follow-up about their incident let them know to follow-up with the police (if they have filed a report)
FC Script: "Thank you for calling to follow-up. I am so sorry that this has happened. Please know that management has been made aware of the situation. At this time, I am going to advise you to contact your local police department and claims department at SMS protection or at your private insurance company. When was the last time you were on site? They should be able to provide you with an update on this case. I will make a note on your account that we spoke today."
Have the customer follow-up with SMS Tenant Protection or their private insurance regarding their claim.
It's important to understand the time frame in which the incident occured. When asking the customer when the last time they were at their unit helps us to determine that time frame.
Initial call regarding an incident
Police or Sheriff Call

Only Upper Management will call the police/sheriff back.
Change CP status to Filling out IR. This should not take more than 10 minutes.
Threats to APS Personal or Property
When a customer or any person(s) threatens legal action or to damage the property, please ask them for their contact information, first & last name, direct phone number, mailing address, and email. Once the person making the threat has provided the above, please say to them:
“Thank you for providing the information. I am not in a position to further assist you at this time; however, I will forward your information and escalate the details of this conversation to our upper management team who will be able to assist.” Thank them for calling and end the call.
Complete an IR (incident report) and follow the process by emailing to those identified at the top of the IR. Document the conversation in SE.
Make notes on the customer account (if a customer account is available)
Upload the Incident Report (if a customer account is available)
Once the IR is received, management will take it from there. If there is any action necessary, management will advise as necessary.