Mailing Address & Payment Methods
We accept mail or payments at:
Facility # Facility Name
250 Marlboro Street Suite 3
Keene N.H. 03431
Encourage customers to pay by Credit or Debit card and set up auto pay, as we continue phasing out check & money order payments.
We gladly accept Credit or Debit Cards: Visa, Master Card, Discover & American Express
Encouraging paymets to be set up on auto pay the 1st of the month.
Customer Payment Options:
Pay online at
Pay by phone by calling the facility phone number
Pay by calling & speaking with an APS representative
Payments must be received at the Keene office by the 5th of every month, envelopes with payments must be postmarked by the 3rd of the month or it will result in a late fee if the payment was received after the 5th. If the check will not arrive in time, then the customer must be made aware of upcoming fees.
Never, never, never shred a check. We prefer to return checks to the Customer or speak with the customer for permission to shred, or have the customer advise us what they would like us to do with the check.
Remind customers to provide account information on or with their payment so we may apply the payments properly to their account. Unit #'s, Account #, Facility etc. (if they are paying on behalf of someone else please have them provide the customer's name in the memo line on the check.
We do not hold customer checks. All payments are applied to the customer's account the day we receive them. (if a check isn't showing on a customer's ledger, that means we have yet to receive the payment.)
If a customer is disputing that their payment was processed by our company request proof from the customers bank showing this.
If a customer is sending a check or money order, make note of the check # in the notes so we can be on the look out.
Please bring questionable checks to Operations Manager for review.