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Customer Name Change on an Account

Released 09/22/23

A current customer would like to change the name on their account to another person's name or their last name.

We understand that life changes quickly and that a customer's storage needs may change along with it. As such, we offer our customers the flexibility to change the name on their account at any time by going through the Account Name Change process.

Current Customer would like to change the name of their unit and release responsibility to another person's name. A customer may have gotten married or divorced.

Be sure to communicate to both persons involved and make sure they both understand the process. Ensure you have the secondary person's full contact info.
Mailing address
Once both parties are in agreeance send E-mail to Operations Mgr. and cc your supervisor and Senior Ops Supervisor. Once the Occupant Change is approved by management then you will get instruction regarding the relase and rest of the process.
DO NOT send the release of unit before approval from Operations manager.  12/6/24


Customer has a name change from a divorce, wedding or other. We would request legal proof of the name change and then we would ask the customer to sign a new rental agreement with their new name once the paperwork is approved. Once the documents are received, send the request to the U.S. Supervisors via e-mail with the attached legal documents and customer information and intent.

*Only Supervisors will upload approved documents.

  • Copy of Marriage Certificate or Divorce Decree

  • Valid License (ID)

  • Any other supporting documents

"Thank you for letting me know about this change. I will need some legal documents as proof and will submit to my supervisor for review. (request documents from the above list depending on the situation) Once reviewed and approved I will send you a new rental agreement to sign with your updated name."

Example of E-mail to Send to Supervisors

Name Change e-mail example.JPG
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